Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Return of the Geek

Been out of the loop for a while. I guess I could just say that I am resting for this summer and all the geeky movies coming out. But that's not really the case. Truth is, I have been contemplating condensing several of my blogs in to one personal blog. Mainly out of pure laziness. We'll see.

There are some interesting movies out or coming out this summer season. Iron Man, Speed Racer, Indiana Jones, Dark Knight, Expelled, Prince Caspian, etc, etc. None of them will be perfect, but I will probably end up watching all of them and enjoying every geeky moment of it.

Of course, I have to mention that the new season of Lost has been incredible. Flash forwards? Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

I've also been digging in to some more books recently. Just finished the first book in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. Really strange. To the point where I'm not sure if I want to read on. But I probably will.

Also intriguing is "The Man in White" by Johnny Cash. Johnny is an incredible story teller in music, and equally good in print. The Man in White is Mr. Cash's take on the life of Paul. Yep - THE Paul. Biblical dude. And it is really interesting.


u2katrina said...

Heheh.... that is *exactly* the same reaction I had to the first book of The Dark Tower series. "Ummm....ok." I chose *not* to continue on to the next.

I'm really excited about Indiana Jones (of *course* it's going to be perfect!) and The Dark Knight. And did you know there's another Mummy movie coming out? I know, I know -- we ladies are only interested in it b/c it has Brendan Fraser. But it does have Jet Li as the villain, and that definitely should be cool!

Have I mentioned that I (temporarily, at least) gave up on Lost? I got about midway through Season 3, and it irritated me that no one remembered or was worried about the polar bears or the dark mist as they romped to and fro through the jungle. I'm sure I'll give it a chance some time later, though. Someday.

Matt C. said...

Sawyer killed the polar bear early in season one, and they never found one since then. I've never gotten how they stopped caring about the smoke monster, but then again it would be a boring show if all they ever did was sit on the beach and dream of the inland, but just said "nope - that thing might come for us." Not too realistic either. Let's face it - humans have always gone romping around in places where there is extreme danger - unexplored lands, the moon, etc. Plus, last week we found out why the smoke monster only appears occasionally :)