Monday, December 11, 2006

Putting It All Together: An Online Lesson

So, I've been talking about all of these random tools for online education. But what can actually be done to teach with these tools? Here's one idea I have for a lesson. Combine an online PowerPoint presentation with an embedded audio from a podcast. Then you have a complete lesson that accommodates all three learning styles (the kinesthetic people have to click to go to the next slide).

Here's an example. This is my presentation from the 2006 IOL conference in Austin. I uploaded the PowerPoint to SlideShare, and re-recorded the audio with Odeo Studio. All online, all free, all pretty cool. The audio was pretty much a one-shot, quick re-do on my home computer this last weekend, but it is possible to use a free program like Audacity to record your speech, then edit in music and sound effects, and finally upload that back into Odeo.

Click on the play button to hear the audio. Something like this may need a good set of instructions for students to follow, but could end up being a good, low cost alternative to something like Camtasia.

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